亚虎888电子游戏:我国研制可重复使用航天运载器 预计2020年首飞

发布日期:2024-09-22 04:16浏览次数:

本文摘要:The China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) at China Aerospace and Technology Corp is collaborating with major domestic institutions to co-develop reusable launch vehicles, scheduled to undertake maiden flights by around 2020.中国航天科技集团公司旗下的中国运载火箭技术研究院,于是以合力国内主要机构联合研制可重复使用装载器,并计划于2020年左右展开试飞。

The China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) at China Aerospace and Technology Corp is collaborating with major domestic institutions to co-develop reusable launch vehicles, scheduled to undertake maiden flights by around 2020.中国航天科技集团公司旗下的中国运载火箭技术研究院,于是以合力国内主要机构联合研制可重复使用装载器,并计划于2020年左右展开试飞。The goal is to reduce the cost of carrying payloads to just one-tenth of existing expendable launch vehicles, significantly shortening preparation time for a launch and complete trips from ground to space and back, just like jetliners.其目标是能将有效载荷的运输成本降到现有重复使用运载火箭的1/10,大幅度延长升空打算时间,能像喷气式客机一样已完成天地来往的行程。According to Chen Hongbo, a senior researcher at CALT, reusable launch vehicles are able to carry men or payloads to their designated orbits and return to Earth relying solely on inbuilt power systems, and can be used repeatedly for launch missions.该研究院高级研究员陈洪波称之为,可重复使用装载器只能靠自身动力系统,之后可携带人员或有效载荷转入预计轨道并回到地球,还可反复用作升空任务。Reusable launch vehicles under research will have the characteristics of both spacecraft and aircraft. China is making improvements on current rocket engines to make them reusable.正在研究的可重复使用装载器将兼备航天器和飞机的特点。

我国正在对现有的火箭引擎展开改良,以使其可重复使用。Chen said the new launch vehicle is designed mainly to reach orbits of about 300-500 km above Earths surface, and can meet the need for fast, reliable and inexpensive launches in future, including carrying personnel for Chinas space station, as well as materials.陈洪波回应,这种新型装载器主要是为抵达距地大约300-500公里的轨道设计的,可符合未来“较慢、可信、廉价”的升空市场需求,还包括为我国空间站运输人员、物资。In addition, it can meet the needs for launching payloads for both military and civil use, and facilitate the development of new civil industries, such as space tourism.此外,该装载器也能符合军民两用的有效载荷升空市场需求,还能增进太空旅游等新型民用产业的发展。



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